Estoppel Certificate Requests

The entrance to Brookhill subdivision is located at 3700 North Indian River Drive in Cocoa, FL. If you are in need of information about obtaining an estoppel certificate please contact the [email protected]

This will be forwarded to the Brookhill HOA Treasurer and President. The information we will need from you for an estoppel certificate is:
1.) The sellers name
2.) The property address
3.) The legal description of the property
4.) And the name of person making this request with your contact information
Upon verification of the impending sale your request will be fulfilled by our lawyer pursuant to all the appropriate Florida statutes. There is a fee charged by our lawyer for processing these documents. That fee is based on the hours spent by our lawyer. That estimated fee is roughly about $300. It may be higher or lower. The property seller is responsible for paying this fee unless otherwise negotiated in the closing contract.   

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