[email protected] This email group was created to capture all the traffic flying around concerning the FDOT project. It is made up of anyone in the HOA that expressed an interest with what was going on. No one at FDOT gets these emails. If you would like to be included in this email group please contact the Brookhillhoa webmaster at [email protected] .
[email protected] This email group was created to capture all the traffic flying around concerning the potential Brookhill sewer project. It is made up of anyone in the HOA that seemed interested with what was going on. If you would like to be included in this email group please contact the Brookhillhoa webmaster at [email protected] . Here are some links to get more info about septic replacement grants. https://www.brevardfl.gov/SaveOurLagoon/Grants/SepticSystemUpgrades - This is the main page to some good info https://brevardbocc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=4051c47af44f4667b27fe19825de9e2e - This is the page that shows the parcel and grant info. You can click on a parcel to get more info.
Snail Mail: PO Box 237634, Cocoa, FL 32923 If you have a request for additional pages/items to be added/deleted please contact the webmaster.
Drone footage of the FDOT construction provided by Tom Kennelly:
https://youtu.be/YLHBOWBCLYs 11/24/21 View of Reggie's pond from Eric's backyard after the fill in was done. The pond is several feet above its normal height.